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Monday, August 11, 2014

The Final Steps in the Transition

I am in the middle of completing the final steps in transitioning the girls from brick and mortar to home school. The placement tests are almost finished and a recommended course list is on the way so that I can start hunting for the best deal on my books.  There are some rules that we have to follow to abide by the state law.  Those I have found on this site:

This site provides you with all of the information you need in order to submit what the state requires you to school in your home.  These requirements include a brief outline of the intended curriculum for the current year, a list of the textbooks you intend you use, prior school year standardized testing scores or reports for each child and a list of assurances you must agree to including the subjects they require you to teach your child, the minimum amount of hours you will spend schooling for the year and that you as a parent have the proper qualifications to provide this education, which is basically a high school diploma or GED.  All of this information must be submitted to the superintendent of your school district and approved.

As of now we are still on track to start September 2 as long as we get our books by then. Our conference to review the curriculum with our counselor is the last week of August so thank goodness for Amazon Prime:)  I feel like we are cutting it very close but I think it will all come together.   If we start a few days late?  Well I guess I have to get used to the idea that we can be flexible now:)

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