I find myself up late at night constantly researching books and looking for fun ways to study literature without making it too dry for them but also making sure they are comprehending the material given to them. I remember when we had chosen the umbrella school in the beginning and they suggested all classic literature. ..most dating back 100s of years and I thought to myself..there has to be a better way to teach the reading skills I have learned and test the comprehension and build on it with fun activities. Then I discovered The Magic Tree House supplement website: http://www.mthclassroomadventures.org
I am addicted. Not only do they have lesson plans and readers theatre for each book but they are from teachers who use these books in their classroom. There is also a leveling chart to help you figure out what level to start them out and what books are appropriate for them. The girls are loving the different options to choose from and I was even able to find books relating to what we are studying in other subjects such as mummies. Tying all the subjects together is so helpful yet time consuming so this year is definitely a learning curve for me. I feel that next year I will be much better at planning and choosing the right material. I am half way through this first year and I feel like I have gotten them where they need to be thus far. The new year 2015 will be even better!